Hip Knee Replacement

When you are recovering from hip or knee surgery your movement is going to be greatly restricted, especially in the first few weeks. This makes tasks like dressing and bathing a challenge. A hip or knee replacement kit is designed to help you during your recovery. The tools inside the kit will help you stay independent and allow you to continue to perform your daily routines. A hip or knee replacement kit will include things like:

  • reacher grabber
  • sock aid
  • long-handled shoehorn
  • dressing stick
  • and bath sponge

All of these tools are aimed at reducing the need for bending and stretching. Including these aids into your post-operative care can significantly lead to a smoother recovery process.

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RMS Premium Hip or Knee Replacement Kit

Fortunately, there are many adaptive aids that can help with dressing/undressing your lower body. One of the most popular kits is the RMS Premium Hip Knee Replacement Kit. It boasts an “Amazon Choice” rating.

It contains the four most needed adaptive dressing items and one bath item. The kit includes:

  • 32″ long handled reacher with magnetic tip
  • Sock aid with 38″ long foam handles
  • 24″ long handled shoehorn
  • 28″ long dressing stick
  • 22″ long handled bath sponge

Depending on the surgery you are having or the challenges you may be facing, you may not need all of the items in the entire kit. Fortunately, all of these items may be purchased individually.

Long Handled Reacher

A reacher grabber can be used to hold your pants or underwear to make it easier to get dressed. It also can be used to pick things up so you don’t have to bend over.

This particular reacher grabber is designed for dressing tasks or for picking up lighter items. There are several different types depending on what you want to do with them. Some have suction cups, some claws, some rotate and fold and one is even designed to get the laundry from the washer to the dryer.

My recommendation is to have a selection of each. 🙂 They are inexpensive and make life so much easier.

See this post to learn what to look for in a reacher grabber and a selection of different options.

Sock Helpers Dressing Aid

Sock helpers dressing aids allow you to be able to put your socks on without bending forward or flexing your hips up. They allow you to keep your independence. 

The contoured plastic shell that you put your socks on is soft and flexible and is specially designed for people who have weak hands. The grips are comfortable and non-slip.

The ropes can be adjusted to whatever length you need. Just tie knots as needed.

There are different styles of sock helpers. Check out this post that will teach everything you need to know about sock aids.

Long Handled Shoe Horn

This long handled shoe horn is not just for people who have a disability. It is great for anyone!

Not all shoe horns are made alike. This is one of the best ones on the market being awarded an Amazon Best. 

While some shoe horns are made of plastic, this one is made of high quality stainless steel, making it not only more durable, but also rust free. There is a spring connection between the shoehorn and the handle allowing it to be inserted from different angles. 

It can be adjusted to between 16″ and 31″. The 16″ length makes it easy for travel. The adjustability of the length also allows it to be used by people of different heights.

Long Handled Dressing Stick

This 28″ deluxe dressing stick allows you to put clothes on and take clothes off much easier. 

There are two hooks on the stick. One is used to assist in putting on shirts, pulling up pants and skirts and helping you put on shoes or take off socks. The other hook can be used for pulling zippers up and down and with shoelace loops.

The stick itself is a sturdy 5/8″ hardwood wooden dowel. 

Not only does this dressing stick help with your clothes, but you can also pick things up with it too!

Long Handled Bath Sponge

A long handled bath sponge will allow you to be able to reach your lower legs without having to bend over too far. Very handy after surgery or if you just have trouble bending over. It also can be used to reach your back without having to twist at the hip joint. Also advantageous after shoulder surgery

This particular model is available in both a hourglass shape or round.

Includes a hanging hook and an angled handle to make reaching easier.

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