Pain can strike at any time. It does not care where you are or what you are doing. Reusable ice bags are the perfect solution for natural pain relief when you are on the go. Many of them can also be used for heat by filling it with hot water.
Reusable ice bags are constructed to withstand repeated use without tearing or leaking. They are typically made of leak-proof materials such as rubber, vinyl or fabric. A waterproof lining allows it to hold ice or cold water securely.
An actual ice pack that you put in the freezer does get colder. But, a reusable ice bag can go with you anywhere. Put one in your suitcase when you travel. Keep one in a drawer in your desk at work. Or, put one in your purse so you have it whenever you need it. If you have a child in sports it is a great tool to have on hand.
Reusable Ice Bags
Precautions You Need to Know for Cold Therapy
- Do NOT put the ice bag in the freezer
- Fill the ice bag TWO-THIRDS FULL with either cold tap water, ice water, crushed ice or ice cubes
- To prevent frostbite:
- Let the ice bag sit for at least five minutes before you use it
- Always place a towel between the ice bag and your skin
- Do not fall asleep with the ice bag on your skin
- Do not use the ice bag for longer than 20 minutes. You can use it several times per day. Just break it up into 20 minute intervals.
Reusable ice bags commonly come in three different sizes; 11″, 9″ and 6″. The 11″ and 9″ ice bags are great for adults and teenagers and the 6″ work well for children.
An 11″ bag works perfect for larger areas of the body like the abdomen and waist. 9″ bags are for the legs and ankles. 6″ bags are for small areas of the body like the head and neck.
- This is for COLD therapy ONLY
- Made with a high-tech TPU liner so it won’t drip or leak.
- Made from Latex-Free Materials
- Extra wide opening for easy filling
- Reusable and economical
- Ideal for application of cold therapy to reduce pain and swelling
Hot and Cold Bags
There are times that heat is better to use than ice. The nice thing about some of these bags is that they can be used for both ice and heat.
Precautions to use when using heat therapy:
- Fill the bag TWO-THIRDS FULL with warm water.
- To prevent burns make sure the water is less than 140 ° F (60 ° C)
- Do NOT place the pack in the microwave to heat the water
- Let the bag sit for at least 5 minutes before you use it.
- ALWAYS place a towel between the hot pack and your skin
- Do NOT fall asleep with the hot pack on your skin
- Do NOT use the hot pack on the same part of your body for longer than 15 minutes. (If necessary, the packs can be used several times per day)
Directions for use when using for heat therapy:
- Open by twisting the cap counterclockwise
- Fill two-thirds of the way full and do not exceed 140° F (60 ° C)
- Squeeze the excess air out
- Close by turning the cap clockwise
Hot and Cold Bags – Set of 3 – Three Sizes
Hot Cold Water BagBuy on AmazonReusable Hot & Cold PackBuy on Amazon
Hot and Cold Packs With Support Straps Included
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